News from The Village Hall

Hello and Happy New Year to all - hopefully you had a great Christmas and are set to enjoy an eventful 2025, particularly if you are able to join in one - or several - of the many and varied events that will be taking place in the bar/hall over the coming year. Both the hall and the bar were very busy up to - and including - Christmas and the New Year. In addition to the very
successful Hog Roast Supper, and a Multisports Dinner and Dance, we had a nail-biting Christmas Bingo and a hugely successful, if slightly loud, School Disco. In addition to this was the rather competitive Christmas Quiz as well as entertainment to celebrate Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. All of these were in addition to the regular events which run on a monthly basis. 2025 began with a fun Karaoke Evening in the bar. Judging by its success, it will be the first of many. Also planned are evenings featuring ‘Music in the Bar’ with a number of different singers.
Grace Burton will feature on 25th January and Country and Western singer, Mick Fisher, is making a welcome return on 8th March, tickets £7.00 each. We are hoping that we can book Sam J Cook, a great soul singer for a date in April. In the spring there will be another Rumble in the Jumble - even bigger and better than before, with more stalls and a BBQ. Plans are in hand to reinstate the ever popular ‘Murder Mystery Play’ - to take place on a dark and misty night somewhere in a Norfolk village … Oh, and there is the Darts Tournament and, and … There is so much planned, we need to save some of the good news for the March issue, so will keep you waiting until then to hear about the new, exciting things happening in your village hall. As always we would welcome your comments - good and bad, and, more importantly, your ideas. What would YOU like to see take place at the hall; which is the most effective way to advertise events to you - posters, social media, word of mouth? The Chair (Helen) and The Trustees are keen to hear from you. Helen’s number is 07766 972647 or drop a note into the bar when you are next there enjoying a well deserved - and subsidised - drink! And, for those chilly nights, a tasty pizza from the Pizza Wagon is available on a Friday evening and you can Build Your Own Burger every Saturday.