The Bowls Club and Outdoor Bowls

Why not give it a go?
If you are new to the game you will be paired up with a more experienced player who will be able to teach you how to play and explain the rules. There are plenty of spare bowls for newcomers who wish to play. It would be good to see some new players.
If you are interested in joining us this year, please put your name on the form on the Village Hall noticeboard (in the Bar area) or contact Bob Nash on 01485 520476 or
2024 Indoor Season
March 27th saw the end of the Short Mat/Indoor bowls season.
Colin Whitmore and Neil West won the pairs competition with Jason Fryett and Barry Hardingham just 2 points behind in second place and Marc Whitmore and Brian Francis in third.
The singles competition – again Colin progressed to the final against Dave Jeffreys. Dave came out the winner by just 1 point on the last end!
We were a bit short of players this year and it would be nice to see some fresh players next time. If you would like to have a go – it’s a bit of fun and nothing too serious – give me a ring on 01485 520476.
I must just thank everyone who took part and to Debbie for keeping all our Wednesday evenings available and supplying the prizes. Thanks to Dave Gagen who supplied the trophies for the pairs competition and all those who supplied food on the last evening.
Hopefully see you all next year with some new players too! Bob Nash